Your contribution can go a long way to furthering the growth of Harmony Heights. Your help has allowed us to provide the greatest care to our students for the past 50 years.
The vast majority of revenue that funds Harmony Heights comes from the New York State Education Department and the State of New York Office of Children and Family Services. However, donations to Harmony Heights help support important educational initiatives and programs that the state-funded tuition does not cover.
Ways to Support Harmony Heights
Please support Harmony Heights special events
Make cash donations to Harmony Heights
Make matching corporate donations
Make memorial gifts
Harmony Heights is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and donations are tax-deductible as allowable by law
Download Mail-In Donation Form Here
Donations may be sent to:
Kathryn Nastri, L.C.S.W.
Harmony Heights
60 Walnut Ave.
East Norwich, NY 11732
(516) 922-6688